Monday, February 17, 2025

Does Your Martial Arts Program Have This? A Law Enforcement Based Bully Plan To Protect Your Child

stop bullies martial arts safety harbor

 New Law Enforcement Inspired Bully Program Replaces Frustration with Action

You Can’t “Bully Proof” anyone and this phrase should be discontinued. You can however have an effective Pro-active plan to avoid possible bullying and a strong action plan in the event that it does occur. The COBRA Plan is straight from Law Enforcement and is a fast and effective strategic plan for families to avoid and conquer bullying.

One of the difficulties facing parents, teachers and, obviously victims of bullying is that rarely is there a practical, proven process for preventing, preparing for and dealing with a bully.

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When a bully situation arises the victim’s parents have one perspective, school administration has another and even the family of the bully may be supportive of what they perceive as their child’s “leadership qualities.”



Early Recognition and Prevention

Every bullying situation has a storyline. Sadly, too many families find out about the bullying too far along in that story. In the worst case, they find out upon the suicide of their child.

The Cobra Anti-Bully Action Plan helps families take control of the storyline long before any bullying ever occurs.

The Cobra plan is a law enforcement inspired program that is non-violent and non-confrontational. It is ideal for bully victims of all ages. However, this description will focus on school-age bullying.


bullybannerThe Cobra plan teaches families how to conduct family meetings and ongoing “green light” conversations.



The family meetings are designed to bring the entire family into focus on how the family will deal with “bad things” when they inevitably arise, including bullying.

For instance, in the meeting parents will review the typical day for the child from wake up to bedtime. This “chain of custody” process reveals periods of time when the child is at most risk for bullying. These are times when the child is in, “shark-infested water.” That is typically is free time in the courtyard, unsupervised time at a bus stop, and any other time where children are at higher risk.

The family then formulates a plan to mitigate the time spent at risk while in or around shark-infested water.

anti-bully-program-manual-how-to-help-your-kids-deal-with-bullies-8Dealing with an Alleged Bully

The Cobra Anti-Bully Action Plan is a law enforcement based protocol that uses the step-by-step methods of an investigation to track, document, and report the actions of an alleged bully.



Central to that protocol is how to “build a case” using evidence logs recording time, date, method of abuse, witnesses, photos, and videos.

Next, that evidence is reported to officials following a clear process for maximum protection of the victim.

Getting All of the Ladders on the Same Wall

Because the Cobra Anti-Bully Action Plan is non-violent and non-confrontational, it is ideal for preparing families and potential victims of all ages to deal with bullying.

Essentially, the plan gives everyone involved a clear step-by-step protocol that lays out clearly what to expect throughout the process.

5- Star Amazon Review:

“A Must Have!”

Verified Purchase
“As a martial arts/self defense instructor I wanted to increase my knowledge and be sure I have the most updated information out there, especially when it comes to kids. To be honest, I couldn’t put the book down and read most of it in one sitting. The author makes some very valid points when it comes to limiting children with Internet, smart phones, etc. He takes a very bold stand about parental control, rights and responsibilities, and if more parents would understand and do the same, I think more children in our country would be protected, and others prevented from causing harm. This book provided me with a load of sound information, things to teach in my classes that will help my students and their families understand the whys or why nots, and it is an extremely valuable resource so much that I joined the C.O.B.R.A. Self Defense program myself. In a very short amount of time, it’s already made a huge impact. I would strongly recommend this book to anyone wanting the hard truth. Valuable information that could save the one you care about.”

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